
Small molecule drugs

Small molecule drugs mainly refer to chemically synthesized drugs, generally organic compounds with molecular weight less than 1000. They have the advantages of wide application and mature theory. Statistically, small molecule drugs account for 98% of the total number of drugs in common use. Due to their good spatial dispersion structure, druggability and pharmacokinetic properties, small molecule drugs show great advantages in the drug development process and other pharmaceutical fields.

Column chromatography is one of the most basic experimental operation skills in organic synthesis, and it is an effective means for the separation and purification of finished products and intermediates. However, manual column chromatography is very labor-intensive, and the operator suffers from exposure to organic solvents. To address these issues, Agilebio has launched the SmartPurifier·Middle preparative MPLC as an alternative to the traditional manual column chromatography, which can save manpower and cost while improving efficiency. The supporting Flash columns are available for convenient and efficient operation.

And, the SmartPurifier·High preparative HPLC can meet the higher purity requirements of laboratory applications. The TF-Prep series industrial preparative LC can provide customers with a one-stop solution from bench-scale testing to scale-up production, supporting customers in all stages of pilot-scale, scale-up and commercial production .