

A 96-well SPE plate is typically constructed of a flat sheet of substrate material with multiple regularly arranged holes or grooves The wells or slots are filled with solid-phase extraction material. The principle is similar to that of solid-phase extraction columns, which are based on the analyte of interest in the sample solution and selective adsorption and desorption between solid-phase extraction materials.

A 96-well SPE plate is typically constructed of a flat substrate material with multiple regularly arranged pores or grooves, which:The wells or slots are filled with solid-phase extraction material. The principle is similar to that of solid-phase extraction columns, which are based on self-labeled analytes in the sample Selective adsorption and desorption between solution and solid-phase extraction materials. Self-labeling analysis occurs when the sample solution passes through the solid phase extraction plate The substance is adsorbed by the solid-phase extraction material, while other impurities are washed out and the analyte of interest is then administered with a suitable eluent
It is desorbed from the solid phase extraction material to enable the separation, purification, and enrichment of the sample. Aegboya can be used for the majority of users 96-well plates are available in a variety of chemistries and formats to meet your many experimental needs.


  • High throughput, which can process multiple samples at the same time and improve the efficiency of sample preparation;
  • Save reagents and samples, for small amounts of clinical samples, the use of 96-well solid-phase extraction plates can be used to ensure the performance of the analysis, reduce the consumption of samples and reagents;
  • The operation is simple and automated, and the 96-well SPE plate is relatively simple to operate and can be used with automated equipment to achieve samples to the processing automatic
  • It is compatible with a variety of analytical instruments.