

Protein precipitation is a simple, versatile, and efficient method for preparing blood samples, usually using organic solvents such as methanol and ethonitrile
By mixing a certain volume of blood samples, the precipitation of proteins in the sample and the extraction of the target can be achieved

Protein precipitation is a simple, versatile, and efficient method for preparing blood samples, usually using organic solvent pairs such as methanol and ethyl eyes A certain volume of blood samples can be mixed to achieve the precipitation of egg hundred in the sample and the extraction of the target.
The 96-well protein precipitation plate has the characteristics of high throughput, and in the actual use process, it is often added to the wells of the protein precipitation plate first Precipitate the reagent for better mixing. At this point, the protein precipitation plate is required to be able to hold methanol for a longer period of time Ethylonitrile and other precipitation reagents.


  • The PPT 96-well Protein Plate has a unique design that can hold the precipitated reagent for hours without worrying about solvent threading transparency;
  • Suitable for both positive and negative pressure modes;
  • 96 samples can be processed in parallel with the Airplate P96 positive pressure solid-phase extractor and the Airplate N96 nitrogen blowing concentrator